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I haven't found really an Easter egg or what not?! Can somebody share or point me in a shiny direction? ◕‿◕

I love the fact the game is litterally called Pac Man Mobile yet there is a PC compatibility

Sorry, can you make it compatible with 32-bit systems? It doesn't work for me.

We would if GameMaker would let us, which it won't for whatever reason.




Awesome! Thanks for making this!


This is really cool, it creates that Harry Potter secret chamber for Android multiplayer GBA.



That's it, make Harry Potter GBA multiplayer for Android.


I Wonder If Sprite Styles Can Be Added?

I've gotten further here than the Plus remake but there's a bug where ghosts affected by Stun stay that way for the rest of the level if you lose a life, so you may want to check both remakes for the bug.

That being said, it'd be funny to keep that Stun behavior as an option at some point, as it helped me a lot with the later levels.